Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A Real Prime Minister - Stephen Harper


Saturday night and all is well.  This is the highlight of the whole process of being engaged and involved.

I had the opportunity to thank the man that stood for Canada as a Real Prime Minister, Stephen Harper.  I got a chance to say thank you for setting the stage for me to allow me to succeed in my career.  The opportunity to earn a great income and to gain some extremely valuable experience.  I let him know in our brief conversation that by his actions in his time as our Prime Minister and by everything that he continues to do for all of Canada, that he is one of the reasons why I have been inspired to jump in and get involved in the first place.  

It was extremely satisfying to hear him speak frankly, on topics that that are close to our hearts.  Topics that my family and I discuss at our kitchen table.  Topics that likely you and your family have in your home.  Topics that you have with your co-workers. The things that affect all of us as Albertans and indeed as Canadians were the things that he talked about. Loss of jobs, taxes in many forms, sustainability for our Province in these tough economic times we are in.

I can tell you that I am more fired up after his reflections on how great our Province and our Canada really are.  I believe it is the right thing for me, for my family and for all of you that we do this.  We put the ball back in our court.  We volley the serve, create our own destiny as a Province.  I have chosen to represent my family, my friends, my neighbors and all of you, the people who cast their ballots.  Once again I will say unapologetically, 

“It is time to take our Province Back!”

Please join me at the Calahoo Hall on November 28th  6 – 8 PM or Mayerthorpe Friday November 30th at 7 Pm at the Peter Trenchy Center.  Hope to see you there.


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