Saturday, November 10, 2018

Lest We Forget - Please Join Me at the Onoway high school today at 10:45 am, and the legion to follow


I am not am not a veteran. I have never had to hold a firearm, and fire it in anger, or self defence at another person. I have never had to say good bye to friends and family, not knowing if I would have the chance to see them again. I have never had to endure hardships, or imaginable conditions with comrades in arms in a foreign land. I have never had to deal with a huge loss or suffering that those in our military, or support services deal with on a daily basis. I have never had to put my life on the line to protect our countries ideals, values, or defend our allies from their enemies.

For that luxury, freedom, and safety that my family and I can enjoy, I am eternally grateful to those brave and honourable souls that have put themselves in harms way, and to those families that have given their sons and daughters to serve our country. My family and I will take our moment of silence, we will wear our poppies, but more importantly, we remind each other every time we see a soldier, or an aircraft overhead, that we are truly fortunate, and grateful.

Please join me at the Onoway high school today at 10:45 am, and the legion to follow.


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