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These are some of the concerns that I have received.
It’s time for the Alberta government and petroleum producers to get tough regarding opposition to Kinder Morgan’s pipeline. Restrictions on BC wine imports was a joke; what’s really needed is an embargo on all BC products. Start by closing valves on the Alliance Pipeline that originates in BC, crosses Alberta and terminates in Chicago. Block shipment of any BC products from entering or crossing Alberta and finally, shut-in ALL pipelines carrying petroleum products into BC.
The well-being of humanity globally depends on oil and gas and will for generations to come, as there are currently no viable alternatives and, without petroleum we’d quickly see mass starvation worldwide!
Truth be known, pipelines are the safest and most cost-effective means to move large volumes of liquids and gaseous products and have been used in Canada since 1852.
As for Premier Horgan and all other hypocrites opposing pipelines, one last measure, i.e. you should all be banned from accessing any products created, grown or transported by petroleum fuelled machines or equipment. So: no houses; no vehicles; no use of any commercial transportation and no groceries or clothing from store shelves. The result is you’d likely all be standing outside naked, starving and freezing to death!
Without petroleum we’d have NO agriculture, forestry, fruit, fish, wine, manufacturing, shipping or any other industries! There’d be no schools or health care systems, our economy would be decimated and we’d become nothing more than a destitute third world nation!
My thoughts on this comment are as follows:
As a country, we are often our own worst enemy. We have unfortunately been caught up into a “Cause” which quite often precludes and dismisses reality. As the author of this piece has stated, we are all dependant on a resource that is at our disposal. One that makes our lives what they are today. The resource I am speaking of is Energy. We should be proud to provide it to our own country and to countries abroad. We are ethical in how we produce this energy and at the same time we deliver a environmentally responsible energy.
The world wants and needs our energy. By building and using new pipelines, we would offset the current suppliers in the world that do not have the same ethical standards that we hold.
If you look at the big suppliers in the world, (other than Canada and the USA), there is a stark contrast to human rights and freedoms in how the people are treated and what their freedoms and rights look like.
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Venezuela to name but a few that do not take into consideration the human factors nor the environmental ones. If the options of the new pipelines are opened to Alberta and Canadian energy, we have the opportunity to ensure that we are good stewards for both fair and ethical treatment of people and of the environment.
My thoughts on this comment are as follows:
As a country, we are often our own worst enemy. We have unfortunately been caught up into a “Cause” which quite often precludes and dismisses reality. As the author of this piece has stated, we are all dependant on a resource that is at our disposal. One that makes our lives what they are today. The resource I am speaking of is Energy. We should be proud to provide it to our own country and to countries abroad. We are ethical in how we produce this energy and at the same time we deliver a environmentally responsible energy.
The world wants and needs our energy. By building and using new pipelines, we would offset the current suppliers in the world that do not have the same ethical standards that we hold.
If you look at the big suppliers in the world, (other than Canada and the USA), there is a stark contrast to human rights and freedoms in how the people are treated and what their freedoms and rights look like.
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Venezuela to name but a few that do not take into consideration the human factors nor the environmental ones. If the options of the new pipelines are opened to Alberta and Canadian energy, we have the opportunity to ensure that we are good stewards for both fair and ethical treatment of people and of the environment.
I was asked recently about the education system, the new curriculum, and the use of more devices and on line learning.
From what I have seen first hand with my 4 kids, and what I have seen in regards to articles on the “new curriculum” I have several concerns.
1. The untried, methods that were rolled out using more on line learning, and “discovery” type models are a detriment to the children’s basic learning
2. The “traditional Methods” work, and have been proven to work time and time again not only in our county, but around the world
3. Education should not be dependant on connection speed. Unplug, and learn. When cell phone coverage fails, the power is out, or you are away from the city and all its services, you should be able to read, write, problem solve, and still have the ability to perform mathematics.
As a father of 4 children who are in grades 4 to 9 I’ve personally seen a few changes in the curriculum over the last 3 years in how and what is being taught in the classes
There is a yard stick, as my children are spaced roughly 2 years apart. When my eldest speaks to the second oldest as an example, about the differences between communism, socialism, and capitalism, the younger is lost. Are we not teaching the differences in our curriculum?
I did get a chance to speak to an educator recently, and this person told me about their frustrations of how the teaching community is being mandated how to teach, and what must be taught, and the separation of the parents and the children on certain subjects.
I received a crash course on Bill 10 and how it is affecting the public school system and the hard working teachers.
I’ll be doing my homework on this topic and a few more in the educational area. Please give me your feedback and concerns that you may have with the current state of our education system. I need your help so I’ll know what you want addressed.
Together we can make the necessary changes to Education and "Take our Province Back" this coming spring.
Although this is a federal issue, it resonates with the people in Lac Ste Anne Parkland.
With Bill 71 currently in play it has a number of law abiding firearms owners concerned.
A friend of mine was recently asked, “What is his position on Firearms ownership and freedoms of firearms owners”.
As a member of the Canadian Historical Arms Society, the Onoway Fish and Game Association, and the Vernon Gun Club, I’d believe I’d fall into the responsible ownership advocacy category.
I grew up on a farm, the firearms were tools, and also used for recreation.
As a “hobby farm / acreage owner” in Alberta, not much has changed. Guns are used as a tool for pest control, hunting, and for recreational target shooting with my son and I.
I have been trained by former Canadian Arms forced members in the use of pistols, carbines, and long range platforms.
I own several rifles and pistols, and use them Responsibly and enjoy the freedoms that we have as law abiding Canadian citizens. I do not want to see any of that changed in the future.
I will be speaking at the Canadian Historical Arms Society on May 05, 7 pm at the Alberta Actuation Museum.
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